Gaia Items Wiki


The warriors of Tiny fought bravely to defend the home of their ancestors from the rampaging giants, but ultimately they were crushed without compassion beneath the massive feet of the invaders, their spears snapped like toothpicks. Their ancient culture, which had flourished for tens of thousands of years, was lost to the ages, paved over to make way for the endless construction of condos and strip malls that would soon stretch to the horizon, where the few surviving Tinies would feel lucky to work for minimum wage.


  • 427e714368c5 Tiny Terror Doll
  • Cd3e84e368cb Tiny Terror Doll (on my head)
  • 720e3a8268cd Tiny Terror Doll (shrunken head)

Related Items[]


  • 7a198db99b96 Aquarium Mini Monsters Tiny Terror
  • Ac5061ec9e20 Mini Monsters Tiny Terror Drop

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